Experience the beauty and
culture of Zimbabwe


About Zimbabwe

The Republic of Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia, is a landlocked country located in Southern Africa, between the Zambezi and Limpopo Rivers, bordered by South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, and Mozambique.  The name ‘Zimbabwe’ stems from a Shona term for  Great Zimbabwe, an ancient city in the country’s southeast whose remains are now a protected site. Zimbabwe is derived from dzimba-dza-mabwe, translated from Shona as ‘houses of stones’. The capital and largest city in Zimbabwe is Harare. This is followed by Bulawayo, the second largest city.

 A country of roughly 16 million people, Zimbabwe has 16 official languages, with English, Shona, and Ndebele as the most common. Zimbabwe is known for its dramatic landscape and diverse wildlife, much of it within parks, reserves and safari areas. On the Zambezi River, Victoria Falls make a thundering 108m drop into narrow Batoka Gorge, where there’s white-water rafting and bungee jumping. Downstream are Matusadona and Mana Pools national parks, home to hippos, rhinos and birdlife.


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"Traveling through Zimbabwe reveals the beauty of diversity in both its landscapes and cultures, reminding us of the rich tapestry of humanity that exists in the world".

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Learn more about Zimbabwe

Zimbabwean Airports

Zimbabwe is well-connected to the rest of the world with three international airports,



EVisa can be applied online, visitors collect and make the necessary payment at the border.


Language and Getting Around

Zimbabwe has 16 official languages namely Chewa, Chibarwe, English....


Important Information

If you are not staying for longer than six months, you enter Zimbabwe with a minimum of formalities.


Holidays and Weather

It sometimes causes inconvenience to arrive in a country on a public holiday and find everything closed or booked up


Driving and Transport

Private motor vehicles, caravans, and trailers may be brought temporarily into Zimbabwe,


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